dimanche 30 août 2009

Backstage 2010 - Blog officiel des logiciels Office 2010, Exchange 2010, Project 2010, Visio 2010 et SharePoint 2010 : Powerpoint 2010 : attention les yeux !


Powerpoint 2010 : attention les yeux !

Published 26 August 09 09:23 AM

Comme vous avez surement pu le constater si vous avez la chance d'’être parmi les heureux testeurs de la version Tech Preview d’Office 2010, l’une des applications qui a le plus évolué dans la suite Office 2010 est très clairement PowerPoint.

Le moteur graphique de PowerPoint 2010 a été complètement ré-écrit pour tirer partie de DirectX et tout le rendu est réalisé par la couche 3D de votre carte graphique.

Si on devait résumer les améliorations de Powerpoint en 5 points, voici ce que cela donnerait :

- Nouveau moteur de rendu graphique tirant partie des accélérations matérielles de votre configuration PC

- Nouveaux effets de transitions et nouvelle interface utilisateur

- Mise à jour des effets d’animation et une nouvelle interface dédiée à ceux-ci (calée sur une ligne temporelle)

- Nouvelle fonctionnalité de copier / coller des propriétés d’animation (vous permettant d’appliquer très rapidement ces effets d’objet à objet)

- La synchronisation des animations avec les objets multimédia permet maintenant de créer de véritables chorégraphies.

Et comme une démonstration vaut mieux qu’un long discours, voici une vidéo qui montre par l’exemple ce que le rendu d’un diaporama dans PowerPoint 2010…

Backstage 2010 - Blog officiel des logiciels Office 2010, Exchange 2010, Project 2010, Visio 2010 et SharePoint 2010 : Powerpoint 2010 : attention les yeux !

Backstage 2010 - Blog officiel des logiciels Office 2010, Exchange 2010, Project 2010, Visio 2010 et SharePoint 2010 : Sharepoint Workspace 2010 (2/4): le partage de documents facile – synchro sur un répertoire

Suite des aventures de l’ex-Groove (maintenant SharePoint Workspace) par notre ami Patrick Guimonet.

Ici, nous allons voir le premier cas de figure, le plus simple : le partage de fichiers via un répertoire qui va se synchroniser tout seul entre l’ordinateur de départ et celui qui sera invité. Nous allons voir avec quelle simplicité SharePoint Workspace permet de mettre tout cela en place…

ah ! j’oubliais ! les transferts se font en mode Peer-to-Peer, et crypté… donc tout cela et ultra sécurisé, afin de garantir une confidentialité maximale… Personne d’autre que la personne que vous avez invité ne peut intercepter vos fichiers.

Backstage 2010 - Blog officiel des logiciels Office 2010, Exchange 2010, Project 2010, Visio 2010 et SharePoint 2010 : Sharepoint Workspace 2010 (2/4): le partage de documents facile – synchro sur un répertoire



samedi 29 août 2009

Preparing for SharePoint 2010 Upgrade Today

With all the buzz around the technical previews of Office and SharePoint, many IT professionals look to the first half of 2010 with excitement. Many are asking, “What can I do to prepare for SharePoint 2010?” Even though many details about the upgrade are yet to be revealed, there is much that can be done today. The SharePoint product team has provided guidance on a number of items that can help organizations prepare, and Service Pack 2 includes a key tool that can provide additional insight and configuration information. This paper, by Quest SharePoint senior architect and evangelist Joel Oleson, walks you through using this key tool and offers major items to consider as you prepare for a SharePoint 2010 upgrade.



CLUB MOSS FRANCE - http://www.clubmoss2007.org/


The Results are in… Are you Prepared for SharePoint 2010?

By the way the next webcast is with Steve Walch, Notes Migration Expert on “Streamline your Migration of Complex Notes Applications” on Sep 1.

  • Also don’t miss the Preparing for SharePoint 2010 whitepaper, Preparing for Upgrade of SharePoint 2010 deck and webcast archive and the post webcast Q&A blog
  • The Results are in… Are you Prepared for SharePoint 2010? - SharePoint Joel's SharePoint Land

    Pierre Erol GIRAUDY - MVP MOSS

    CLUB MOSS FRANCE - http://www.clubmoss2007.org/


    Mots clés Technorati : ,,,

    vendredi 28 août 2009

    SharePoint 2010 Ignite Program

     SharePoint 2010 Partner Training is Here!


    SharePoint 2010 "Ignite" is a 5-day Instructor-led training program for SharePoint 2007 SI partners. This is an invitation-only event and is free of charge* for attendees. We are now accepting nominations!

    SharePoint 2010 Ignite Program

    Pierre Erol GIRAUDY - MVP MOSS

    CLUB MOSS FRANCE - http://www.clubmoss2007.org/


    Mots clés Technorati : ,,,

    jeudi 27 août 2009

    Tests MYSITE et SP online

    MICROSOFT nous a ouvert un site afin de faire des test (mais la NDA) m'oblige à ne pas en dire plus, a suivre !

    jeudi 20 août 2009

    Arpan Shah's Blog : SharePoint 2010 Sneak Peek Presentation


    While Tom, Richard and Paul did the Overview, IT Pro & Developer SharePoint 2010 sneak peek videos respectively on the web, I did the SharePoint 2010 Sneak Peek session at WPC last month. The video was recently posted that you can check out here.

    Building Solutions on SharePoint

    Published Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:31 PM by arpans

    Arpan Shah's Blog : SharePoint 2010 Sneak Peek Presentation

    mardi 18 août 2009

    Arpan Shah's Blog : My Top Office 2010 Tech Preview Features


    Excel 2010 introduces Sparklines. It gives you the ability to show data trends in a one data cell. It’s especially useful when you’re analyzing numbers over time across a number of time periods. There are many forms sparklines can take from lines to columns to more yes/no type options for win/loss data. You can, for example, see how MSFT stock is doing over the course of a year --- all within one Excel cell. J You have the ability to format sparklines to include high and low points as well as another of other options.

    Arpan Shah's Blog : My Top Office 2010 Tech Preview Features

    dimanche 16 août 2009

    Introducing Microsoft Office 2010 for Business

    Project "Gemini": Build powerful analytical applications

    Need to make timely business decisions without having to use complicated and sluggish analytical applications? Love to use Excel? Project Gemini is an Excel 2010 add-in that allows you to create powerful analyses by quickly manipulating millions of rows of data into a single Excel workbook and utilize Microsoft Office 2010 to share and collaborate on your insights with your team.

    Introducing Microsoft Office 2010 for Business

    samedi 15 août 2009

    Preparing Today for SharePoint 2010 Q&A - SharePoint Joel's SharePoint Land

    Yesterday I did (Joel) a webcast on Preparing Today for the Upgrade to SharePoint 2010.  I got nearly 100 questions and comments.  It was very well attended and the feedback was awesome.  We had over 1000 people register and over 450 people online at peak.  I’ve stripped out the good job, duplicates, and questions that I simply would have to say… that’s NDA.

    Preparing Today for SharePoint 2010 Q&A - SharePoint Joel's SharePoint Land

    Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

    CLUB MOSS FRANCE - http://www.clubmoss2007.org

    EROLMVPMOSS  MVP_FullColor_ForScreen

    Mots clés Technorati : ,,,

    vendredi 14 août 2009

    Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog : Session Sneak Peek for the SharePoint Conference 2009


    SharePoint Conference 2009 Register Now!

    Have you watched the SharePoint 2010 Sneak Peek videos and are hungry for more?!

    The SharePoint Conference 2009 will be the first time Microsoft will publically share all of what SharePoint 2010 has to offer.  We know you want to know what you can expect to see and hear about during the conference – so here’s your SharePoint Conference 2009 session sneak peek!

    We have almost 250 sessions planned, and over 80% of them will be brand new 2010 content. That’s 15,000 minutes of SharePoint, SharePoint and more SharePoint that you’re simply not going to get anywhere else!

    You’ll get to listen, talk and network with Microsoft Product experts, SharePoint MVPs, Customers, top Industry Analysts and over 140 SharePoint Partners.  There won’t be anywhere else on the planet with this concentration of SharePoint knowledge and experience in one place and at one time.

    Here’s a little session sneak peek to give you taste of what’s coming…

    Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog : Session Sneak Peek for the SharePoint Conference 2009

    SharePoint Conference Sessions Sneak Peek

    A preliminary list of session titles has been announced for the SharePoint conference in October. There will be many more to come, but here is a sneak peek:


    jeudi 13 août 2009

    SharePoint 2010: On governance and upgrading - J. Boye » Blog

    July 16th, 2009 by Janus Boye

    SharePoint2010Earlier this week Microsoft released sneak peak videos of SharePoint 2010, which have created quite a buzz among the many working within the SharePoint goldmine. A blog post by US-based SharePoint expert Mauro Cardarelli, co-author of “Essential SharePoint 2007 – Delivering High Impact Collaboration“, called Planning for SharePoint 2010, caught my attention as he called for more governance , see more on this blog of J. BOYE : » SharePoint 2010: On governance and upgrading - J. Boye » Blog


    mercredi 12 août 2009

    Vidéo : Excel vs Access (Partie 1)

    Moi, je trouve que c'est plus facile de travailler avec Excel qu'avec Access.
    Vous êtes d'accords ?
    La problématique...
    Partie 1 de ce dossier... à suivre !

    Vidéo : Excel vs Access (Partie 1) - Forum des professionnels en informatique

    Pierre Erol GIRAUDY


    EROLMVPMOSS MVP_FullColor_ForScreen

    lundi 10 août 2009

    RS SharePoint Integration : Better late than never - A PG site for SSRS integration with SharePoint

    Better late than never - A PG site for SSRS integration with SharePoint

    I am aware and painfully so that a PG blog / site dedicated to SSRS integration with SharePoint has been long overdue. Hence, for my initial post I have compiled a short list of some unanswered questions I have seen from blogs / newgroups etc. on this subject. Feel free to send me your issues / thoughts on RS integration with SharePoint and I will try as best to answer / address them and post new blogs as and when required.

    RS SharePoint Integration : Better late than never - A PG site for SSRS integration with SharePoint

    RS SharePoint Integration : Tips to integrate an SSRS 2008 instance with MOSS 2010 Beta 1

    Warning: Recommended version of Report Server for use with MOSS 2010 Beta1 is SSRS 2008 R2 CTP2 only. Using SSRS 2008 with Beta product - MOSS Beta 1 is expected to work, however it is not a supported scenario esp. in production environments and has not been extensively tested at the time of publishing this blog. Hence, please proceed with utmost caution by backing up any previous data, etc. before trying out the steps below:

    1. Enabling SSRS 2008 to load SharePoint 14: Use ASP.Net assembly binding redirect to ensure an existing SSRS 2008 can load SharePoint 14 assemblies, details @

    RS SharePoint Integration : Tips to integrate an SSRS 2008 instance with MOSS 2010 Beta 1

    samedi 8 août 2009

    MSDN Magazine : 2010 Column Planning

    I think are emerging and want to get ahead of, etc.) to determine next year’s column lineup.  I want to extend my process to you and get your feedback on which columns are working well and which ones aren’t.  Additionally, just to give you a bit of additional insight, here is some of the data that I’m looking at as I go through the process.  Obviously, this is just one dimension of performance, but it’s also one that has a pretty large sample size so I generally trust it more than I do other measures, such as the “5-star” ratings.

    MSDN Magazine : 2010 Column Planning

    jeudi 6 août 2009

    The Office 2010 Synchronization Center | End User SharePoint

    Conclusion and a Taste of Things to Come

    With Office 2010, Microsoft has added the Office Synchronization Center as a method for dealing with uploading files to remote locations. This offers many potential benefits, such as continuing to work if you need to go offline, or not getting stuck waiting for communication if you are working with large files over a slow connection.
    Yet this is not the only "offline story" for SharePoint that you will find in Office 2010. There are reasons Groove has been renamed SharePoint Workspace - but that’s another story.

    Woody WindischmanAuthor: Woody Windischman
    Site: The Sanity Point

    Woody Windischman is a technology consultant with over 20 years of experience in a variety of roles, providing a unique perspective which allows him to see problems holistically.

    Since getting acquainted with Microsoft IIS and FrontPage in the mid 90’s, Woody has been deeply involved in the community - first having been awarded as a Microsoft SharePoint MVP from October 2005 through September of 2007, and then spending a year working directly with the SharePoint product team.

    The Office 2010 Synchronization Center | End User SharePoint

    mercredi 5 août 2009

    Microsoft Office 2010: Etendre la durée de grâce (licence 30 jours) « Blog des consultants Orentis


    microsoft-office-2010-aboutSi vous évaluez Microsoft Office 2010, vous serez peut-être confronté à un message d’avertissement vous signalant que la date d’expiration est proche. Il s’agit simplement de ré-armer Microsoft Office 2010 pour obtenir une nouvelle période de grâce de 30 jours. Voici les instructions pour faire cette opération …

    Lire la suite sur ce blog :

    Microsoft Office 2010: Etendre la durée de grâce (licence 30 jours) « Blog des consultants Orentis

    InfoPath Team Blog : Office 2010 Technical Beta recruiting update and contest rules

    Please note that the Technical Beta is different from the Technical Preview program.  Individuals and companies who are accepted into the Technical Beta sign a non-disclosure agreement and get access to both Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010. 

    The InfoPath 2010 Technical Beta Solution Contest is open only to members of the Technical Beta. In order for you to come into the program by being sponsored by the InfoPath team, you must indicate on your nomination form that you are primarily interested in InfoPath.  Also, you must include a valid e-mail address so that we can contact you to invite you into the program.

    Here are the official eligibility rules for the contest:

    InfoPath Team Blog : Office 2010 Technical Beta recruiting update and contest rules

    lundi 3 août 2009

    CompleteSharepoint.NET is VNext 2010 Compatible! - Tommy Segoro - SharePoint Blogs / SharePoint University


    Sharepoint VNext 2010 is coming up so I have to make sure that CompleteSharepoint.NET - the content management system built on top of WSS 3.0 (http://www.completesharepoint.net) - is compatible.

    So I run stsadm -o preupgradecheck and below is the results:

    CompleteSharepoint.NET is VNext 2010 Compatible! - Tommy Segoro - SharePoint Blogs / SharePoint University

    EROLMVPMOSS  MVP_FullColor_ForScreen

    Introducing Microsoft Office 2010 for Business


    Office Web Applications

    Microsoft Office Web Apps, the free online companions to Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote applications, allow you to access documents from anywhere.

    You can even simultaneously share and work on documents with others online. View documents across PCs, mobile phones, and the Web without compromising document fidelity. Create new documents and do basic editing using the familiar Office interface. By offering more ways to access files from almost anywhere, Office 2010 enables you to get things done according to your schedule.

    See the video

    Introducing Microsoft Office 2010 for Business

    Introducing Microsoft Office 2010 for Business


    Take SharePoint documents and lists offline

    Take your whole team with you when you travel alone! With Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010, you can keep all your important SharePoint documents and lists synchronized on your computer and work with SharePoint even when you're disconnected. So the next time you find yourself struggling with a slow connection in a remote location the night before a big presentation, you can rely on SharePoint Workspace 2010 to download only the important changes your team made to the slides.
    Take SharePoint documents and lists offline

    You don't need to be connected to make changes to a SharePoint document. Access your SharePoint documents offline, make changes to them, and see the changes sync automatically as soon as you're reconnected. It's quicker and more foolproof than downloading and re-uploading files and easier to remember than porting information before you go on the road. Best of all, it's easy to set up with just a few clicks.

    SharePoint Workspace 2010 can help increase your ROI on SharePoint while making your life more convenient. Keep your team up to date, your content consistent, and take everything with you wherever you work.

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    Introducing Microsoft Office 2010 for Business

    Preparing to Upgrade for SharePoint 2010 Today – Webcast - SharePoint Joel's SharePoint Land

    Join Joel for the upcoming webcast mid August.  Details below.

    Webcast: Preparing for Your Upgrade to SharePoint 2010 Today
    Date/Time: Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. PDT / 11:00 a.m. EDT / 4:00 p.m. GMT

    Preparing to Upgrade for SharePoint 2010 Today – Webcast - SharePoint Joel's SharePoint Land