dimanche 22 décembre 2013

How Do You Enforce Governance in SharePoint?

Governance is the set of policies, roles, responsibilities, and processes that control how an organization's business divisions and IT teams work together to meet organizational goals.



A poster you can download in PDF or Visio format. It shows the major governance areas (IT governance, information management, and application management) and summarizes the key information you need to understand about each area.


Learn how to govern applications for SharePoint 2013 by creating a customization policy and understanding the app model, branding, and life-cycle management.


I use this tool for the governance and to make a Dashboard (Automate it):




Or you can use also in fonction of what you want to do:



Pierre Erol GIRAUDY




samedi 21 décembre 2013

Des outils pour la Gouvernance Techniques de SharePoint 2013


1 - Project Description
Easily compare server configuration.

"Grid" layout shows configuration of the full farm in one table. Export to Excel for filter, sort, and pivot chart.



  • Do admin tasks faster
  • Scale up beyond RDP
  • Add new servers without fear
  • Verify consistent configuration


2 - Project Description
This solution is designed for SharePoint

(not tester on SharePoint 2013 yet).
It helps administrators extract informations from the ULS logs.



3 - Project Description
SPSFarmReport.exe 2013SPSFarmReport.ps1
This one is a powershell'd version that works on 2013 farm environments.

You will need to run "Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted" to allow the execution of this PowerShell script.

The ouput is written in the form of an XML file.

Run the "{[}Environment{]}::CurrentDirectory" command to know where the output XML is written to.



4 - Project Description

First Release of Export Version History SP2013

Export version history can be used to export the version history of SharePoint 2013 List items to Microsoft Excel.

It provides button in Ribbon to do bulk export and also in the ECB menu to export single items.



5 - Project Description
ULS Deobfuscator is a viewer for SharePoint ULS log files.
When having to analyze SharePoint log files, I think that there are 2 difficulties:

  • Finding the right log file.
  • Reading the log file contents.



Pierre Erol GIRAUDY



mercredi 27 novembre 2013

Journées SQL Server 2013

Journées SQL Server 2013
Lundi 2 Décembre & Mardi 3 Décembre 2013
9h – 18h
Centre de Conférences Microsoft
41 quai du Président Roosevelt

Président du Club UGSF

dimanche 24 novembre 2013

SharePoint 2013 Developer dashboard


Le tableau de bord développeur de SharePoint 2013 a été considérablement remanié.



Utilisation du tableau de bord du développeur



Planifier la surveillance dans SharePoint 2013


Tableau de bord du développeur SharePoint : Vous devez savoir quoi rechercher et comment interpréter les données. L’analyse des performances des pages SharePoint est simple. Limité à la surveillance des performances des pages SharePoint.

Le tableau de bord du développeur contient un mécanisme extensible permettant de mesurer différents compteurs de performance dans différentes étendues. Dans le tableau de bord du développeur, les compteurs de performance suivants sont utilisés pour surveiller l’utilisation et la consommation des ressources à chaque étape des demandes.


Comment l’activer :


New-SPUsageApplication -Name "Health and Usage Application" -DatabaseName "SP2013_Health_and_Logging_Database"



$svc = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService]::ContentService

$dds = $svc.DeveloperDashboardSettings

$dds.DisplayLevel = "On"



Lire aussi :




Pierre Erol GIRAUDY



Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 2.3 (for IT Professionals)

Système d'exploitation pris en charge:

Windows 2000; Windows 7; Windows 8; Windows 8.1; Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Vista; Windows XP

MBSA est la toute dernière version de l'outil d'analyse et d'évaluation des failles et de la sécurité gratuit que Microsoft destine aux administrateurs, aux auditeurs de sécurité et aux professionnels de l'informatique.

Compatible avec Windows 8.1 et Windows Server 2012 R2, ainsi qu'avec les dernières versions de l'agent Windows Update (WUA) reposant sur la technologie Microsoft Update, MBSA 2.3 présente une interface utilisateur mise à jour, gère les solutions 64 bits et améliore la prise en charge de Windows Embedded.

Pour obtenir une liste complète des produits issus des technologies Microsoft Update (MU) et Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), pris en charge par MBSA, consultez la page Windows Server Update Services.

Pour en savoir plus ou télécharger la dernière version, consultez la page MBSA (an anglais):

Pour facilement évaluer l'état de la sécurité des machines Windows, Microsoft propose l'outil gratuit d'analyse de Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA). MBSA comprend une interface graphique et ligne de commande qui peut effectuer des analyses locales ou à distance des systèmes Microsoft Windows.

2.3 MBSA s'appuie sur la précédente version de MBSA 2.1 qui supporte 8.1 de Windows, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 R2 et Windows Server 2012 et corrige les problèmes mineurs signalés par les clients. Plus d'informations sur les fonctionnalités de MBSA sont disponibles sur le site Web MBSA.

2.3 MBSA s'exécute sur les systèmes Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 et Windows XP, Windows Server 2012 et 8.1 de Windows et balaie les mises à jour de sécurité manquantes, cumuls et service packs à l'aide de technologies Microsoft Update. Pour évaluer les mises à jour de sécurité manquantes, analyse seule volonté MBSA pour manque de mises à jour de sécurité, correctifs cumulatifs et les service packs disponibles à partir de Microsoft Update. MBSA ne scan ou signaler les mises à jour de sécurité non manquantes, les outils ou les pilotes.

Choisissez le téléchargement approprié ci-dessous pour l'anglais (EN), allemand (DE), français (FR) et japonaises (JA) pour x 86 (32 bits) ou x 64 (64 bits) plates-formes.

Remarque :

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer ne détecte pas l'applicabilité des mises à jour sur des systèmes configurés dans le cadre d'une batteries de serveurs SharePoint multi-système. MBSA ne supporte pas de vérification d'évaluation de vulnérabilité pour le compte de Microsoft sur Windows 8 et au-dessus.

Téléchargement :



Pierre Erol GIRAUDY



mercredi 20 novembre 2013

Governance planning in SharePoint 2013

Find resources about governance in SharePoint 2013.

Learn about governing IT services, information management, and application management.

  • What is governance in SharePoint 2013?
  • IT governance in SharePoint 2013
  • Information management and governance in SharePoint 2013
  • Application management and governance in SharePoint 2013

A poster you can download in PDF or Visio format. It shows the major governance areas

(IT governance, information management, and application management)

and summarizes the key information you need to understand about each area.

What is governance in SharePoint 2013?

Learn about governance as an essential part of a successful SharePoint deployment and the various components of an organization’s governance plan.

IT governance in SharePoint 2013

Learn about key factors in governing a SharePoint service and what to include in a service-level agreement.

Information management and governance in SharePoint 2013

Learn how to plan effective information architecture to ensure that your solution meets your business needs.

Application management and governance in SharePoint 2013

Learn how to govern applications for SharePoint 2013. This includes how to create a customization policy. It also includes information about the app model, branding, and life-cycle management.




Pierre Erol GIRAUDY



dimanche 27 octobre 2013

Integrate Yammer with on-premises SharePoint 2013

Les outils SharePoint

J'ai listé quelques-uns des outils que j'utilise pour mes projets SharePoint.

cette liste comprends des outils permettant de diagnostiquer les erreurs et les problèmes de performances, des outils de développement, etc..

La plupart d'entre eux sont fait par des particuliers ou de petites équipes, consacrant leur temps précieux en créant les outils.

Attention : Ces outils ne sont pas créés ou maintenus par moi.

Je les ai utilisé tous ces personnellement, mais toujours avec prudence. Je suis en aucun cas responsable de tout dommage liés aux outils répertoriés ici.

Lisez la documentation souvent inclus dans le package outils ou répertoriés sur le site de ces auteurs.

Tester les outils sur vos propres, environnement contrôlé et dédiés pour des tests.

En cas de questions, consulte le site de l'auteur.

Habituellement, ils ont des sections consacrées aux questions et commentaires et sont votre meilleure option pour obtenir des réponses.


Ils ont été étiquetés selon les catégories suivantes :

  • Maintain Keeping votre environnement opérationnel
  • Develop Building des composants SharePoint personnalisés
  • Diagnose Diagnosing erreurs ou problèmes de performances
  • Design Designing votre environnement SharePoint et l'architecture
  • Deploy Deploying votre SharePoint bits et configuration

Les outils, sont classés sans ordre particulier :

Lire la suite ici: http://yuriburger.net/2013/05/16/sharepoint-and-the-tools-of-the-trade/


J’utilise d’autres outils pour les audit et la sécurité de SharePoint,

ainsi que pour la génération de rapport automatiques.


Voici la liste complémentaires:



Il faudra aussi intégrer les outils d’audit et de sécurité  !


Puis le client final va peut-être vouloir utiliser des outils tiers :

OUTILS du marché ISV (liste non exhaustive) :

Il faudra faire des tests afin de valider avec les administrateurs que ce type d’outil va bien répondre aux besoins finaux.



DocAve Governance Automation for Microsoft® SharePoint® Governance


AXCELER Governance

Axceler SharePoint Products

SharePoint Products for Administration, Governance, Compliance and Migration


Documentation Toolkit for SharePoint



SharePoint Diagnostic Manager 



Jornata | Packaged Services for SharePoint

Jornata is a top-tier business and technology services provider that helps companies achieve exceptional performance through the use of Microsoft technologies.


SharePoint Software for Management of SharePoint Tools & More


Management tools for Microsoft SharePoint. Get control with Quest's solutions for SharePoint. Support & experience to make your environment more efficient.


System Center 2012 R2



SharePoint Upgrade and Migration with Content Matrix

Upgrade, migrate, and organize SharePoint content with Content Matrix by Metalogix.


SharePoint Migration Tools & Software | Sharegate

Copying or moving SharePoint documents, items and files with metadata, version history and more. Supports all SharePoint versions. Free 15-day trial.


Audit Windows, SharePoint, UNIX, and Exchange Permissoins and Activity

Varonis automates data governance through automated attestations, email and file access auditing, data owner identification, and data classification.


Open source (liste non exhaustive):

Il faudra faire des tests afin de valider avec les administrateurs que ce type d’outil va bien répondre aux besoins finaux.

  • SPDocumentor






  • Process Explorer v15.40






  • Microsoft Host Intégration Server 2013 Best Practices Analyzer 



  • MOSDAL (Microsoft Online Services Diagnostics and Logging) Support Toolkit
  • Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer






Je vais aussi utiliser ma boite à outils…


Ensuite il faudra réaliser les rapports et les préconisations…

Mais ceci c’est après les outils !


Pierre Erol GIRAUDY




samedi 26 octobre 2013

Mettre en place une Gouvernance pour Microsoft SharePoint 2013.


Contenu de mon approche :


Mettre en place une bonne Gouvernance pour Microsoft SharePoint 2013.

Extrais du document : “Les chapitres” :


Gouvernances : GF+GO => Gapp =>> PGG..

Parties prenantes de la gouvernance.

Les trois domaines de la Gouvernance de SP2013.

Gouvernance informatique "équilibre".

La gouvernance de la gestion des informations.

La gouvernance des applications.

         1 Gouvernance Opérationnelle.
          2 Gouvernance fonctionnelle.
         3 Plan de Gouvernance Sécurité.
         4 Plan de Gouvernance APPs + DEV SP2013.
        5 Plan de Gouvernance RSE.
        6 Plan de Gouvernance Search FAST. Plan enterprise search architecture in SharePoint Server 2013.
         7 PGG...
         8 Outils de Gouvernances.

Liens :

Meilleures pratiques pour un fonctionnement optimal

Gouvernance et formation.


Mettre en place une bonne Gouvernance pour Microsoft SharePoint 2013

Extrais du document (saisie et écriture avec OneNote) :


Réf. : Microsoft SharePoint 2013_ Planning for Adoption and Governance.


Dans un premier temps nous la définissons : «La gouvernance est l’ensemble des stratégies, des rôles, des responsabilités et des processus qui sert à guider, orienter et contrôler la façon dont les divisions et les équipes informatiques d’un Groupe et/ou d’une Entité collaborent pour atteindre leurs objectifs et résultats. Une planification de gouvernance complète permet d’optimiser le fonctionnement de ce Groupe et/ou de l’Entité par rapport à l’organisation [1] ».

[1] Source Microsoft Technet : http://technet.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/cc263356%28office.14%29.aspx


Gouvernances : GF+GO => Gapp =>> PGG

Gouvernance fonctionnelle + Gouvernance opérationnelle = Gestion Applicatives (étapes 1 à 6)

Préalablement à la mise en place d’un plan de gouvernance opérationnelle et à une coordination efficace concernant la gouvernance fonctionnelle il faut faire :

  • Un audit méticuleux du système existant.

Cet audit doit être effectué sur site par, Expert (MVP SharePoint - Architecte SHAREPOINT) avant de valider les étapes de la préparation de la mise en place d’un plan de gouvernance afin de vérifier si l’évolution de l’outil était possible par rapport à la stratégie de développement de l’entreprise.

Ce nouveau concept de gouvernance SharePoint 2013 intègre donc la gouvernance fonctionnelle avant toute mise en place d’un plan de gouvernance opérationnelle.

Cette nouvelle adéquation aboutit à une gestion applicative simplifiée de l’outil et une agilité d’utilisation qui permet une réduction des couts en termes de temps d’utilisation de l’outil pour faire circuler l’information.

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY




En Francais : un cour gratuit sur la Virtualisation avec Windows Server 2012.

Microsoft Virtual Academy : Ce cours a pour objectif de présenter les nouveautés de Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V.

Vous découvrirez notamment : les nouvelles options des machines virtuelles, de la Live Migration dans plusieurs scénarios, du Storage Migration, du SR-IOV, du Powershell, du Replica...


Propriétaire de la formation: Eric Mittelette


Voir aussi :

SharePoint et SQL :





Les techniciens qui réussissent ne cessent jamais d'apprendre et les technologies majeures ne cessent jamais d'évoluer. Microsoft Virtual Academy (ou MVA) propose des formations Microsoft en ligne, menées par des experts, pour accompagner les techniciens dans leur apprentissage, grâce à des centaines de cours, dans 11 langues différentes. Notre mission est d'aider les développeurs, les professionnels de l'informatique connaisseurs et les étudiants avancés, à se tenir informés des dernières technologies, à acquérir des compétences et à évoluer dans leurs professions. MVA est gratuit et l'intégralité du service est hébergée sur Windows Azure.

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY




mardi 8 octobre 2013

Sharepoint Tips And Tricks: SharePoint 2013 Book is ready to purchase

Sharepoint Tips And Tricks: SharePoint 2013 Book is ready to purchase: If you are looking for a sharepoint 2013 end-user specific book, look no further


mercredi 21 août 2013

Antivirus and SharePoint 2013

Do all of the client systems have anti-virus?

If so, what is the risk of not having antivirus server side for the period between now and when third parties release their 2013 AV products?

But be careful as the performance when using active server side AV is degraded:

BitDefender for SharePoint

McAfee for SharePoint

Sophos for SharePoint

Symantec for Sharepoint

INFO Spencer Harbar : “Just a quick note to let you know I’ve updated my Antivirus and SharePoint 2013 post,

with the details of all the current available options. Instead of the *single* option

we had shortly after RTM, there are now four options with hopefully another one in the near future.”


9 comments on 9 antivirus:

  1. Forefront Protection for SharePoint 2010 
  2. AvePoint DocAve Antivirus for SharePoint
    This product is also discontinued. Not an option.
  3. TrendMicro PortalProtect
  4. BitDefender
  5. Symantec Protection for SharePoint
  6. McAfee Security for SharePoint
  7. Sophos Antivirus Protection for SharePoint
  8. Kapersky Security for SharePoint Server
  9. ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server

ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server:


Now with support of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013

Scan any content stored within the SharePoint database structure

Rule-based filtering

Remote management included

Operating Systems:
Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2008 R2, 2008, 2003
Microsoft Small Business Server 2011, 2008, 2003, 2003 R2

Supported SharePoint Versions:
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 (64 bit), 2010 (64 bit), 2007 (32 & 64 bit)
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 (64 bit)
SharePoint Services 3.0

More Information

Product Overview (PDF)

Known Issues




Mots clés Technorati : ,,,

samedi 3 août 2013

Test Labs Guide SharePoint 2013 for summer

Test Lab Guide: Demonstrate Permissions with SharePoint Server 2013

This paper contains a brief introduction to SharePoint Server 2013 and step-by-step instructions for configuring and demonstrating permissions behavior for intranet and team sites based on the Text Lab Guide: Configure Intranet and Team Sites with SharePoint Server 2013

(http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30379 ).

This paper does not describe how to install and configure SharePoint Server 2013 in a pilot or production environment. For more information, see Install and deploy SharePoint 2013

(http://technet.microsoft.com/en-US/sharepoint/fp142376 ).


Test Lab Guide: Configure SharePoint Server 2013 in a Three-Tier Farm


This paper contains a brief introduction to SharePoint Server 2013 and step-by-step instructions for creating a test lab that contains a three-tier SharePoint farm that is based on the Base Configuration test lab guide

(http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=198140 ) and the SQL Server 2012 test lab guide

(http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=256663 ). It also demonstrates the facilities of a default team site.

Test Lab Guide: Demonstrate Forms-Based Authentication with SharePoint Server 2013


This paper explains how to configure and demonstrate form-based authentication for SharePoint Server 2013 based on the Test Lab Guide:

Configure SharePoint Server 2013 in a Three-Tier Farm

(http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30386 ).

Test Lab Guide: Demonstrate SAML-based Claims Authentication with SharePoint Server 2013


This paper contains a brief introduction to SharePoint Server 2013 and step-by-step instructions for creating a test lab based on the SharePoint Server 2013 Three-Tier Farm test lab guide

(http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=255045 ) and the Test Lab Guide Mini-Module: Install AD FS 2.0

(http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/11846.test-lab-guide-mini-module-install-ad-fs-2-0.aspx ).

With this test lab, you configure and demonstrate Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)-based claims authentication for a SharePoint Server 2013 web application.

Test Lab Guide: Configure Intranet and Team Sites with SharePoint Server 2013


Guide de laboratoire de tests : Démonstration de la collaboration via l'intranet avec SharePoint Server 2013 (in french)

This paper contains a brief introduction to SharePoint Server 2013 and step-by-step instructions for configuring intranet and team sites based on the SharePoint Server 2013 Three-Tier Farm test lab guide (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=255045).


Pierre Erol GIRAUDY


mercredi 24 juillet 2013

Description of SharePoint Server 2010 SP2

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Service Pack 2 (SP2) provides the latest updates for SharePoint Server 2010. This service pack includes two kinds of fixes:

  • Previously unreleased fixes that are included in this service pack. In addition to general product fixes, these fixes include improvements in stability, performance, and security.
  • All the public updates that were released through May 2013 and all the cumulative updates that were released through April 2013

Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 contains new updates which improve security, performance, and stability. Additionally, the SP is a roll-up of all previously released updates.


Article ID: 2687453 - Last Review: July 23, 2013 - Revision: 1.0

Technical details about the SharePoint 2010 and Office Server 2010 SP2 releases

Applies to
  • Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010
  • Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint
  • Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010
  • Microsoft Project Server 2010
  • Microsoft Groove Server 2010
  • Microsoft Search Server 2010
  • Microsoft Excel Web App
  • Microsoft OneNote Web App
  • Microsoft PowerPoint Web App
  • Microsoft Word Web App


Where to get it (in MUI)

What changed


  • Added support for Windows Server 2012
  • Added support for IE10
  • All updates that were included in Cumulative Updates up to April 2013 are included
  • The following additional fixes are just some of the fixes that are included

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY



mardi 16 juillet 2013

Tuning SQL Server 2012 for SharePoint 2013 Jump Start

SQL Server stores most of the data for SharePoint.

Instructors | Bill Baer - Microsoft Senior Product Marketing Manager ; Brian Alderman - CEO & Founder, MicroTechPoint

Associated Certification(s) | MCSE: SharePoint; MCSA: SQL Server; MCSE: Data Platform;
Related Course(s) | Course 20465: Designing Database Solutions for Microsoft SQL Server 2012; Course 20467: Designing Business Intelligence Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server 2012; Course 50478: SharePoint 2010 Advanced Foundation Development

This Jump Start training focuses on how these two products are integrated. Join two of the industry’s most popular SharePoint experts,

Bill Baer and Brian Alderman on an exploration of SQL Server settings, SQL Server system database settings and configuration options that will improve SharePoint 2013

Dean Of Colleges



01 | Key SQL Server and SharePoint Server Integration Concep...

This session provides an overview SQL Server deployment options & database types; understanding SQL Server and SharePoint integration, schema overview, database structure, schema restrictions and SharePoint database descriptions. Learn more on how to efficiently manage multiple instances on one physical server.

02 | Best Practices: SQL Server Database Settings

Get ready to understand model & Tempdb database settings, database file placement, and determining number of content databases. This module goes over how to modify model database to reflect configuration of new databases and configure Tempdb for improved performance, and much more.

03 | Server Settings for SQL Server

In this segment you will learn how to modify memory settings to control memory usage by SQL Server, how to change default file locations, how to leave MAXDOP at 1 for SharePoint and how to verify operating system set to 64KB allocation unit size. Get ready for some great demos and rich dialogue.

04 | SQL Server and SharePoint availability

This module will show you how to avoid ginormous T-Logs by performing regular T-Log backups, how to have multiple copies of your backups, how to configure AlwaysOn for high availability and verify integrity of SQL Server databases. Lastly the instructors will cover SQL Server for SharePoint best practices.


Pierre Erol GIRAUDY



dimanche 14 juillet 2013

Architectures et de la virtualisation de batterie de serveurs pour SharePoint 2013

L’architectures de la virtualisation de batterie de serveurs dédiée à SharePoint 2013 est un vaste sujet… 7 points fondamentaux y sont abordés ici.

Quelles que soient les raisons de la virtualisation de SharePoint 2013 ou l’étape du processus d’adoption de la virtualisation, la conception d’une architecture SharePoint 2013 virtuelle doit prendre en charge des objectifs informatiques et professionnels, immédiats et à long terme.

Par ailleurs, elles doivent tenir compte des changements à venir – évolutions – plans de Gouvernances -  sécurités - performances des serveurs virtuels (compétences internes de management de ceux-ci) et enfin des performances des cartes et routeurs…

Bien souvent, les architectes qui planifient un environnement virtuel appliquent les besoins d’une solution SharePoint 2013 déployée dans un environnement physique à un environnement virtuel. Cela va inclure des éléments tels que les besoins relatifs à la topologie de la batterie de serveurs, à la capacité, aux performances et à la continuité des opérations.

Vous pouvez utiliser le nombre de serveurs de bases de données, serveurs web frontaux et serveurs d’applications (y compris les rôles serveur d’applications spécifiques) pour déterminer le nombre d’ordinateurs virtuels et le nombre de serveurs hôtes de virtualisation nécessaires à une batterie de serveurs virtualisé.

Avant de concevoir une architecture virtuelle et l’infrastructure de prise en charge, vous devez identifier la configuration système nécessaire. Dans de nombreux cas, vous pouvez utiliser une solution SharePoint existante ou planifiée, ainsi que l’infrastructure physique qui prend en charge la solution.

Le fait que SharePoint Server 2013 soit déjà déployé peut affecter le processus d’identification de la configuration système et la prise de décisions relatives à la conception. L’état actuel de la technologie de virtualisation dans une organisation est un autre facteur.


Exemple d’architectures virtuelles pour des batteries de serveurs de taille moyenne à grande:

Vous pouvez allouer davantage de ressources aux images virtuelles, si vous utilisez des serveurs hôtes plus grands. L’illustration suivante fournit un exemple d’implémentation qui utilise davantage d’UC et de mémoire RAM.

Rôles serveur web et serveur d’applications avec augmentation de la mémoire RAM et des UC dans un environnement virtuel


Exemple d’architectures virtuelles pour des batteries de serveurs de taille moyenne à grande: la suite ICI:
Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

samedi 29 juin 2013

DIWUG SharePoint e-Magazines 10th 2013

In this edition:

Download the 10th edition of the DIWUG SharePoint eMagazine now!

This one has more great articles from renowned SharePoint specialists, speakers, trainers, former SharePoint product group employees and MCMs!

  • Custom Forms in SharePoint 2013 Workflows with Visual Studio 2012 - Andrew Connell
  • Pimp your SharePoint search results - Stefan Strube
  • SharePoint, Yammer and the social landscape - Chris Johnson
  • Protecting SharePoint 2013 with DPM 2012 - Sam Hassani
  • Strategic Thinking and SharePoint - Jaap Zwart
  • Custom Display Templates for the Content Search Web Part - Martin Hatch
  • Optimizing SQL Server 2012 for SharePoint 2013 - Brian Alderman
  • Enterprise Social Case Management, where Workflow and User Engagement meet - Marc Vanderheyden

The DIWUG SharePoint eMagazine is a free downloadable magazine with articles written by MCMs,

MVPs and other authors from the SharePoint community.

The target audiences are IT-pros, developers and end (power) users. All articles are written in English.

If you want to contribute to the DIWUG SharePoint eMagazine please send an abstract of your article to marianne@diwug.nl or mirjam@diwug.nl and we'll send you more information.​


Download DIWUG SharePoint eMagazine #10

Download DIWUG SharePoint eMagazine #10 (eReader Edition)

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

MVP SharePoint 2013



Downloadable CHM version of SharePoint 2013 content on TechNet.


Downloadable CHM version of SharePoint 2013 content on TechNet,

The SharePoint2013.chm is a downloadable CHM that includes content in the SharePoint 2013 technical library.


4.0 - Date Published:  6/28/2013

File name:

SharePoint2013.chm - File size: 11.8 MB

To open this file to view the text

  1. Click Download.
  2. In the File Download dialog box, click Save.
  3. Use the Save As dialog box to save the file to your computer.
  4. Find the file on your computer, right-click it, and then click Properties.
  5. Click Unblock, and then click OK.
  6. Double-click the file to open it.
  7. Enjoy it !



Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

MVP SharePoint 2013



How-to guides for SharePoint - A first step in SP2013 with SkyDrivePro - Discoversharepoint.com/skydrivepro

How-to guides for SharePoint.

A first step in SP2013 with SkyDrivePro (of 6 step).

Increase your organization's collaboration and productivty by using the directions in these guides.

1_Store_Sync_Share.pdf — Store, sync, and share your content guide   In this guide, learn how to use SkyDrive Pro to store, share and sync your content. See how to edit documents together at the same time, and how to post content to a newsfeed to gather more feedback and ideas. Increase your organization's collaboration and productivty by using the directions in these guides.


Share items in SkyDrive Pro



• Share sites or documents with people outside your organization



• Manage document versions



• Document collaboration and co-authoring



• Sync a library to your computer


• Find libraries you’ve synced on your computer


• Video: Share documents



• Video: Sync your SkyDrive Pro library to your computer



• Video: Work with documents in a synced library folder



• Video: Manage SkyDrive Pro document versions


• Video: Post something to everyone



• Training: Share documents



• Training: Sync libraries using SkyDrive Pro



All Office Products Trainings



Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

MVP SharePoint 2013


Training courses for SharePoint 2013


Create and manage a blog to share information

This course teaches you how to create and manage a SharePoint blog. Topics include basic tasks such as creating a blog, using categories, and modifying post layouts. Also learn how to set unique permissions for a blog, and also in lists and libraries within a blog.

Download|Quick Reference Card

Create and set up a list

This video-based training course teaches you how to create SharePoint lists using built-in apps, create and edit views of the lists, share lists with others, and set alerts so you can be notified automatically when lists change.

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Customize your public website

With Office 2013, or an Office 365 subscription that includes Office 2013 applications, you can sync your SkyDrive Pro and other SharePoint libraries to your computer. You can then work with your library files directly in your file system, and have access to your files when you’re offline. This training course shows you how.


Follow content

Following documents and SharePoint sites makes it easy for you to stay abreast of newsfeed activity. There’s no need to search for files to check their update status because you automatically receive notifications in your newsfeed whenever updates occur. This course shows you how to follow documents in a SkyDrive Pro or SharePoint library and keep track of SharePoint web sites that interest you.

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Introduction to document libraries

This course teaches you how to perform common tasks in a document library. Topics include ways to use a document library, uploading and editing files, and checking file version history.

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Post to the newsfeed

The newsfeed is a micro blog where you and people in your organization share ideas and information. Newsfeed posts can include a variety of features, such as pictures, videos, links and tags.

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Share documents

This course shows how you can share documents and folders with others in your organization, grant co-workers view and edit permissions so they can collaborate effectively, and easily manage the version history of files in your library.

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Start using a list

A SharePoint list is a handy tool for sharing contacts, calendar appointments, tasks, or data with team members and site visitors, and provides the underlying structure for organizing information on your site. This course explains the basics and shows you how to work with SharePoint lists.

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Sync libraries using SkyDrive Pro

With Office 2013, or an Office 365 subscription that includes Office 2013 applications, you can sync your SkyDrive Pro and other SharePoint libraries to your computer. You can then work with your library files directly in your file system, and have access to your files when you’re offline. This training course shows you how.

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Update profile and privacy settings

A user profile is one of the social features of SharePoint Online that enables employees to easily collaborate and share knowledge. The profile contains information you’d expect to find such as name, department, and areas of expertise. But it contains contact and personal information you might want to include as well. This course teaches you how to edit your profile so you can provide all the salient details you want your co-workers to know. You’ll also learn how to update profile and newsfeed privacy settings so you can identify those details you’d prefer to keep private.

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Create and customize pages on your public website

Your public website in Office 365 includes web pages that you can customize by adding your own page content, including text, images, videos, and apps. This video-based course teaches you how to add and customize pages, manage pages, and create and manage blog posts.


Organize and configure a SharePoint library

There are several ways to organize and manage your SharePoint libraries. This intermediate video-based course teaches you to create and use folders, sort and filter with columns, create custom views of items in the library, and restrict access to a library.

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Post to a team site feed

Some posts or conversations are better suited for a small group of people. For these cases, you can create or start following team sites that contain their own site feeds. For convenience and visibility, posts on team sites you’re following also appear in the newsfeed on your personal site. The two videos in this training course explain how to start a feed on a team site and post to a team site feed from your personal newsfeed.

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Check out training courses for the rest of the Office 2013 programs.



Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

