samedi 25 septembre 2010

ROXORITY PrintZen Product Documentation for sharePoint

 SharepointHome Vous avez voulu imprimer l'affichage actuel d'un site SharePoint 2010 (SPF/SPS) ou liste de WSS/MOSS 2007 ?

PrintZen est la façon la plus simple encore plus souple pour imprimer la vue sélectionnée de calendrier, liste ou bibliothèque de documents.

Ce package de solution prend également en charge la pagination et regroupement ainsi que tri et le filtrage sur toute colonne, plus extrêmement sophistiquée de personnalisation en ce qui concerne l'affichage ou de traitement des dossiers ont pleinement de votre affichage de liste imprimable.

Un mode d’emplois (chm), des WSP et trois langues !





Security Advisory 2416728 (Vulnerability in ASP.NET) and SharePoint.


We recently released a Microsoft Security Advisory for a vulnerability affecting ASP.NET.  This post documents recommended workarounds for the following SharePoint products:

  • SharePoint 2010
  • SharePoint Foundation 2010
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
  • Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
  • Windows SharePoint Services 2.0

A workaround is not necessary for SharePoint Portal Server 2003.

Security Advisory 2416728 (Vulnerability in ASP.NET) and SharePoint. - Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs


Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

jeudi 23 septembre 2010

SharePoint Saturday France le 6 Nov. 2010


Rejoignez les architectes, les développeurs, les administrateurs, designers et autres professionnels qui travaillent avec SharePoint Server 2007 et SharePoint 2010 le 6 novembre 2010 pour un événement SharePoint exceptionnel. Les évènements SharePoint Saturday France sont des journées en libre accès, éducative, informative et animée, remplie de sessions de professionnels & MVPs reconnus pour leurs compétences et heureux de pouvoir partager leur expérience. Suivez-nous sur Twitter @clubsharepoint ou chacun des évènements sur le tag #SPSFrance.

Facebook | SharePoint Saturday France


vendredi 17 septembre 2010

Fab 40 for Sharepoint Foundation


Due to increasing requests, we attempted to set up some of the templates and were successful in doing that. We have been posting the individual templates for SP Foundation 2010 to individual requesting clients and after receiving a general positive response I am posting some of the templates for Fab 40 for the Sharepoint Foundation in this blog post and a readme file with setup instructions. Please review the templates and feel free to post your feedback.

TechSol | Tech Solutions Blog - Fab 40 for Sharepoint Foundation

Fab 40 Templates for MOSS 2010

Fab 40 templates were free templates released by Microsoft for sharepoint 2007 and wss 3.0 to address some of the common scenarios encountered by SharePoint administrators, developers and event business/Marketing managers to demonstrate and show case some of the capabilities of MOSS to end users.

Discussion about that how good these templates are and in which scenario these are more helpful versus things which needs to be improved in these templates is a separate topic but I have noticed many SharePoint people using these templates either for small clients , for demonstration purpose and even for training purposes etc. ..

I have uploaded some of these Fab 40 templates for SP 2010, so now you can have Fab 40 for SP 2010, at least some of these are available for now…rest coming soon J .

TechSol | Tech Solutions Blog - Fab 40 Templates for MOSS 2010

SharePoint Toolbox 14

jeudi 16 septembre 2010

Windows Internet Explorer 9 Beta pour Windows 7

Windows Internet Explorer 9 fournit des applications et des sites Web qui ont l'apparence et la performance des applications natives d'ordinateurs via la puissance de Windows.

  • Rapide : Internet Explorer 9 est rapide dans tous les domaines. Conçu pour profiter au mieux de votre ordinateur via Windows, Internet Explorer 9 offre des expériences immersives au graphisme amélioré qui sont aussi rapides et réactives que les applications natives installées sur votre ordinateur.
  • Clair : Internet Explorer met l'accent sur les sites Web que vous aimez avec une zone d'affichage améliorée et claire qui fait ressortir vos sites Web. L'intégration intuitive et fluide à Windows 7 permet l'accès d'un clic aux applications Web épinglées directement sur votre barre des tâches.
  • Fiable : Internet Explorer permet un accès fiable au Web car il intègre un ensemble de technologies de fiabilité, de confidentialité et de sécurité qui vous permettent de surfer sur le Web de manière plus sûre et sans interruption.
  • Interopérabilité : La prise en charge des standards Web modernes et HTML5 conçus pour profiter au mieux de l'unité de traitement graphique signifie que non seulement le même balisage fonctionne sur tout le Web mais qu'il s'exécute plus rapidement et fournit une expérience améliorée via Windows et Internet Explorer 9.
  • Maintenant il faut lancer les tests avec SP2010…  A suivre donc !


Il semble dans un premier test que l’accès à SPF2010 ne soit pas problématique, le rendu est bon.

Détails du téléchargement : Windows Internet Explorer 9 Beta pour Windows 7

La suite sur SP2010 avec IE9 en FR…


Pas de ralentissement et une navigation fluide, parfait.

mercredi 15 septembre 2010

SharePoint Tips - Secrets of SharePoint

SharePoint Tips - Secrets of SharePoint

-- Pierre Erol GIRAUDYPrésident du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.

mardi 14 septembre 2010

Comment se débarrasser des sites orphelins qui se trouvent dans les bases de contenu SharePoint ?


Lancer l'outil de scoping depuis une machine qui se trouve sur le même réseau que votre infrastructure MOSS 2007.

Cet outil est utilisé pour vérifier un certain nombre de pré-requis nécessaires avant le démarrage d'un audit de plate-forme MOSS 2007.

Il permet de vérifier entre autres la présence d'orphelins ou non dans votre environnement MOSS 2007.

Administration MOSS 2007: Comment se débarrasser des sites orphelins qui se trouvent dans les bases de contenu SharePoint ?

Merci à Marc, il fait savoir que l’outil des existe pour SP2010 je l’ai testé sans incident.

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY


SharePoint Server 2010 performance and capacity test results and recommendations


These white papers describe the performance and capacity impact of specific feature sets included in SharePoint Server 2010. These white papers include information about the performance and capacity characteristics of the feature and how it was tested by Microsoft, including:

  • Test farm characteristics
  • Test results
  • Recommendations
  • Troubleshooting performance and scalability

Download details: SharePoint Server 2010 performance and capacity test results and recommendations

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

lundi 13 septembre 2010

Indicative SharePoint 2010 Licensing Costs at SharePoint Config


License Price :

SharePoint 2010 Server ~£3100

SharePoint 2010 Standard CAL ~£60

SharePoint 2010 Enterprise CAL*~£53

SharePoint 2010 Internet Sites Standard~£7,500

SharePoint 2010 Internet Sites Enterprise~£27,000

FAST Search Server~£14,000

More on the blog…

Indicative SharePoint 2010 Licensing Costs at SharePoint Config

dimanche 12 septembre 2010

Utilisation des flux de travail SharePoint | TechNet Magazine


Flux de travail dans SharePoint 2010 ou comment automatiser les processus métier complexes.

Par Brien Posey

SharePoint 2010 : Au fil des envies — Utilisation des flux de travail SharePoint | TechNet Magazine

Réunion du Club SharePoint france 13 sept_2010

PPT de la réunion du CLUB SHAREPOINT FRANCE qui se tiendra le 13 Sept. à Issy-les-Moulineaux chez MICROSOFT à 14h

samedi 11 septembre 2010

Configure Core Infra for Multi-Tenant Scenario

This script configures the base sharepoint requirements for a multi-tenant sceanrio as detailed at

It creates and configures Managed Accounts, Application Pools, core Service Applications and a hosting Web Application and Managed Paths.

Configure Core Infra for Multi-Tenant Scenario

Rational Guide to Multi Tenancy with SharePoint 2010


So what is Multi-Tenancy? In a word, it’s Hosting! A unique deployment for each customer on a shared set of infrastructure resources. The most common scenarios are

  • “Traditional” Web Hosting Environments
  • SharePoint Online
  • Corporate On Premise Deployments

The last one here is interesting, there are a number of aspects which we will cover later which make multi-tenant an often requested and compelling deployment approach for large corporate on premise deployments.

A good analogy here is a flat or apartment building. In this real world case, multiple tenants share the same infrastructure (the building, the doors etc). In addition some services are shared but have no data (entry phone, refuse collection). Some other services are shared (electricity, telephone) and have data which should be partitioned (meter readings, billing). Some other services are a free for all (car parking).

See more about :

The articles are (links will be added as they come on line):

  1. Feature and Capability Overview (this article)
  2. Planning your Deployment
  3. Example Scenario and what Multi Tenancy brings to the party
  4. Configuring the base Infrastructure
  5. Configuring Partitioned Service Applications
  6. Provisioning Tenants
  7. Testing the Functionality

Rational Guide to Multi Tenancy with SharePoint 2010

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

vendredi 10 septembre 2010

SharePoint 2010 Reference: Software Development Kit

Updated: September 8, 2010. The Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Software Development Kit (SDK) includes documentation and code samples for Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 and for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, which builds upon the SharePoint Foundation 2010 infrastructure.


The documentation includes detailed descriptions of the technologies that SharePoint Server 2010 and SharePoint Foundation 2010 provide for developers, reference documentation for the server and client object models, and step-by-step procedures for using these technologies and object models and programming with them. This SDK also includes best practices and setup guidance to help you get started with your own custom applications that build and extend upon the SharePoint Foundation 2010 and SharePoint Server 2010 platforms.

For additional information, you can visit the SharePoint Developer Center on the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN): Visit frequently to learn about recently published content; to view essential getting-started content; to view rich media content such as videos and screencasts; to get connected to instructor-led training and other learning resources; to learn more about product features and scenarios in our MSDN Resource Centers; and to find community resources such as MSDN forums, newsgroups, MVP blogs, and much more.

The SDK also includes many code samples that address common customization scenarios and solution building blocks. A full list of code samples can be found on MSDN Code Gallery. Future (quarterly) releases will contain additional samples, and you can also check MSDN Code Gallery for SharePoint solutions and code samples.

The AUG2010 update of the SharePoint 2010 SDK contains new code samples, updated IntelliSense XML files, and updated documentation based on customer feedback. Read the following topics on MSDN for a complete list of updates: What's New in the SDK for SharePoint Foundation 2010 and What's New in the SDK for SharePoint Server 2010.

Download details: SharePoint 2010 Reference: Software Development Kit

mercredi 8 septembre 2010

Storage Calculators (DRAFT) for System Center Data Protection Manager 2010 beta

XLSX storage calculators to aid DPM 2010 administrators in sizing the DPM storage pool - per workload being protected







Download details: Storage Calculators (DRAFT) for System Center Data Protection Manager 2010 beta

vendredi 3 septembre 2010

BIWUG is announcing another session about SharePoint on September 16th at the Quest Offices in Diegem.

18:00-18:30 Welcome with sandwich lunch
18:30-19:30 SharePoint administration and granular recovery (Speaker: Quest)
19:30-19:45 Break
19:45-20:45  Upgrading from SharePoint Server 2007 to SharePoint Server 2010 (Speaker: Karine Bosch)
Unfortunately the number of available seats are limited to 30 persons - so we will accept registrations on a first come first serve basis. Register here

Location: Quest Belgium Pegasus Park, Pegasuslaan 5,1831 Diegem, Belgium, Tel: +32 2 709 2177 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting   +32 2 709 2177 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Registration is now opened on the BIWUG site.

Hope to see you there,

Kind regards,

Joris Poelmans [President BIWUG]

BELUX Information Worker User Group

SharepointHome  MVP_Horizontal_FullColor

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

Download details: Step-by-Step Guide to Migrating from Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 to Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 on a server running Windows Small Business Server 2008


SharePoint Foundation 2010 is not included in Windows SBS 2008. Because of this, the following features of Windows SBS 2008 do not work after you migrate to SharePoint Foundation 2010:
•    Fax services for network users
•    Archive e-mail messages that are sent to a security group on a WSS 3.0 website.

Migration Steps :
This section lists the steps necessary to install SharePoint Foundation 2010 on a server running Windows Small Business Server 2008, and then to migrate your WSS 3.0 websites to SharePoint Foundation 2010. Follow the steps in the order listed to migrate successfully.
•    Step 1: Install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2)
•    Step 2: Run the pre-upgrade checker for SharePoint Foundation 2010
•    Step 3: Back up the existing data on your server
•    Step 4: Back up the Windows Internal Database files
•    Step 5: Uninstall Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and edit the Registry
•    Step 6: Install Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 in Farm mode
•    Step 7: Remove the default Web application in SharePoint Central Administration
•    Step 8: Create a new SharePoint application in SharePoint Central Administration
•    Step 9: Detach the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 database from Windows Internal Database
•    Step 10: Connect the ShareWebDb database to SQL Server 2008
•    Step 11: Remove the existing content database
•    Step 12: Connect the ShareWebDb content database
•    Step 13: Recreate the original internal website environment
•    Step 14: Install Windows Small Business Server 2008 Update Rollup 4
•    Step 15: Edit the site bindings for the companyweb site
Return to top

Download details: Step-by-Step Guide to Migrating from Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 to Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 on a server running Windows Small Business Server 2008

jeudi 2 septembre 2010

Swiss SharePoint Club


Club Meeting #18 Genève – Carouge

Posted in Club Meetings on 01.09.10 by Michaël Weiss

Evénement organisé par le Swiss SharePoint Club

Mercredi 29 Septembre 2010

Coopérative Migros Genève

Rue Alexandre Gavard 35

CH-1227 Carouge

Chers Membres et Sympathisants (Liebe Club Mitglieder und Interessenten)

Le club vous invite à participer à sa prochaine conférence (Melden Sich Jetz Für Den Nächsten event an)

Le Mercredi, 29 septembre 2010 de 9h30-12h30 / Lunch 12h30 – 14h00 / 14h00 – 16h00.

(Mittwoch 29. September 2010, von 8h30-12h00 / Lunch 12h00 – 14h00 / 14h00 – 16h00)

Swiss SharePoint Club

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY


SharePoint 2010 August 2010 Cumulative updates are now ready for download.


The latest cumulative updates are now available for download.

The hotfixes can be requested from here:

SharePoint Foundation:

SharePoint Server:

The updates will update the patch level of your SharePoint 2010 installation to build: 14.0.5123.5000

SharePoint 2010 August 2010 Cumulative updates are now ready for download - SharePoint Infrastructure....From the field - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

Issues that this hotfix package fixes for SP2010
  • A SharePoint Server 2010 administrator cannot configure the build-in Social Security Trimmer per Tenant.
  • On a Office SharePoint Server farm which has multiple Web Front Ends (WFEs), term store management UI shows inconsistent data.
  • Initiation for new tenant is slow in the SharePoint Online farm that has large amount of existing taxonomy data.
  • This hotfix changes the behavior of My Site Cleanup Timer Job to handle the case when a user has no manager.
  • When you create a search scope by using FAST Search, you have to have a scope filter that matches the scope rules attached to the search scope. However, the scope filter is empty and must be set manually by using PowerShell when you create a new search scope.
  • You cannot manage FAST user contexts if you do not have administrative credentials to SharePoint User Profile Service. By using this hotfix package, you can manage FAST user contexts even though you are not User Profile Service administrator. ---------------------------------------------
Issues that this hotfix package fixes SPF2010
  • When you click Sign In as Different User to sign in by using new user credentials, you cannot access the expected resource.
  • You cannot create a recurring calendar entry on a site that is created from a custom template.
  • This fix adds a new health rule. This rule can inform an administrator whether the Business Connectivity Service (BCS) connectors are enabled or disabled in Microsoft SharePoint 2010. Therefore, the administrator can monitor the status of the BCS connectors.
  • You add a large amount of content to a client notebook on a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 server that is under heavy load. After some time, the notebook is no longer synchronous with the server and you cannot save changes to the server. Additionally, you may receive the following error message:

    Unable to save

  • Anonymous users cannot use Language Integrated Query (LINQ) to query data in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010. Additionally, the anonymous users are prompted for user credentials when they use LINQ to query data.
  • Consider the following scenario. You change the site level permission on a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 site. Then, you change some property of the site. In this scenario, the sitedata.asmx.GetChanges() web service method does not report the security change.
  • The external content type name appears in the external list edit form if the optional field value is not present. Therefore, you cannot save the external list item successfully.
  • The CopyIntoItems method in the Copy.asmx web servicedoes not assign the custom content type when you upload a file from the file system. Instead, it always assigns the default content type.
  • When you click the Open this Task button in Microsoft Outlook, you cannot open the workflow task form from the notification email in Microsoft Outlook.
  • Consider the following scenario. In Microsoft SharePoint Designer, you apply Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) to a view that contains a link field. Then, you add a Universal Name Convention (UNC) link that contains non-ASCII characters to the field. In this scenario, the link is broken when you open it.
  • In the Turkish version of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, you click the Help icon and you try to use the search function. However, the search function does not work.
  • When you delete old versions of documents that contain web parts, spaces for the old versions in Microsoft SQL Server are not reclaimed.
  • When you upload a picture in the CMYK pixel format to an asset library, the upload is completed successfully and you see a thumbnail in the asset library. However, when you hover the mouse pointer over the thumbnail, the preview window does not show the picture in Windows Internet Explorer.
  • In sandbox solutions, Partially Trusted Code (PTC) usage decreases when the number of max processes per application server increases.
  • When you save a team site as a template, the web part that is used in the original site does not carry the correct view to the newly created site.
  • This fix adds support for both HTTP-based host-named site collections and HTTPS-based host-named site collections to coexist in the same web application. By default this support is disabled. To enable this support, set the
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService.ContentService.EnableHostHeaderSiteBasedSchemeSelection property to true. As soon as it is enabled, SharePoint will no longer use the web application's default zone public URL protocol scheme for all host-named site collections in that web application. Instead, SharePoint will use the protocol scheme provided during host-named site collection creation, restoration, or rename. Host-named site collections that are created before this update is installed will default to use the HTTP protocol scheme if this property is set to true. These site collections can be switched to use the HTTPS protocol scheme by renaming the host-named site collection and providing an HTTPS-based URL as the new site collection URL.
  • Consider the following scenario. You delete a picture library item. Then, you restore the item from the Recycle Bin and then delete the item again. In this scenario, you receive the following error message:

    Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint '<KeyName>'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object '<ObjectName>'. The statement has been terminated.

  • This fix improves the performance of migration time for users across all sites.
  • ------------------------------------------------------


Pierre Erol GIRAUDY


mercredi 1 septembre 2010

Visual Guide: Visio Services - VISIO & SP2010


This presentation template file contains a set of visual, step-by-step procedures for publishing a Visio 2010 Web drawing to a SharePoint site and viewing the drawing in the browser. Also included is an appendix with a list of references for additional information and steps for enabling Visio Services on a SharePoint site. This visual guide includes animations and is best viewed in Slide Show view in PowerPoint.

Download details: Visual Guide: Visio Services

livrehermes_sps2010 EROLMVPMOSS


Pierre Erol GIRAUDY