mercredi 30 septembre 2009

Club Meetings : Swiss SharePoint Club 10 NOV

En exclusivité sur Suisse Présentation de Microsoft SharePoint 2010 (Schweizer Premiere von SharePoint 2010)

Posted in Club Meetings on 29.09.09 by Michaël Weiss


Evénement organisé par le Swiss SharePoint Club et sponsorisé par Microsoft Suisse

Mardi 10 Novembre 2009 Hotel Ramada La Praille – Genève

Chers Membres et Sympathisants (Liebe Club Mitglieder und Interessenten) Le club vous invite à participer à sa prochaine conférence avec, en avant première sur Suisse, la présentation de SharePoint 2010 (Melden Sich Jetz Für Den Nächsten event an) Le Mardi 10 Novembre 2009, de 8h30-12h00 / Lunch 12h00 – 13h30 / 13h30 – 16h30. (Donnerstag 10. November 2009, von 8h30-12h00 / Lunch 12h00 – 13h30 / 13h30 – 16h30)

La matinée est organisée en collaboration avec Microsoft Suisse et la nouvelle version SharePoint 2010 sera à l’honneur. Le rendez-vous du club est prévu l’après midi. Ne loupez pas cette avant première et réservez d’ores et déjà cette date dans vos agendas !

Les principaux thèmes :
· SharePoint 2010
· Témoignages clients sur implémentations sur SharePoint 2007
· Networking…

Quelques jours avant l’échéance, l’agenda détaillé vous sera communiqué via le site du club.

Club Meetings « Swiss SharePoint Club




mardi 29 septembre 2009

Office 2010 : Microsoft prépare la bascule Web

Office 2010, qui va succéder à Office 2007, va toucher la plus grande communauté d’internautes. Microsoft va proposer des déclinaisons gratuites en ligne de Word, Excel, Powerpoint et Onenote. La sortie officielle est attendue dans le courant du premier semestre 2010.

Office 2010 : Microsoft prépare la bascule Web

Blog officiel des logiciels Office 2010, Exchange 2010, SharePoint 2010, Project 2010, Visio 2010 et Office Web Apps

En conclusion, cette version 2010 apporte réellement de nombreuses améliorations, tant du point de vue des corrections sur les fonctionnalités dont l'implémentation posait problème dans la version 2007 : par exemple la double saisie des temps entre la Feuille de temps et l'affichage Mes tâches, que par les fonctionnalités entièrement nouvelles.

Ces nouvelles fonctionnalités et l'incorporation totale de Project Portfolio font de Microsoft EPM 2010 une version très attendue par tous professionnels concernés par la gestion de projets.

Gérard Ducouret

[Project MVP]

Backstage 2010 - Blog officiel des logiciels Office 2010, Exchange 2010, SharePoint 2010, Project 2010, Visio 2010 et Office Web Apps

Office 2010 et SharePoint 2010 seront présentés publiquement pour la première fois le 6 octobre à Paris, puis dans 6 villes en France - External News

Office 2010 et SharePoint 2010 seront présentés publiquement pour la première fois le 6 octobre à Paris, puis dans 6 villes en France

Vous avez un profil technique dans votre entreprise et souhaitez découvrir notre nouvelle gamme de produit “en chair et en os” ? Rejoignez-nous donc lors de notre Tour de France “MS Days” qui sera lancé le 6 octobre à Paris avec Steve Ballmer. Inscrivez Read More...

Office 2010 et SharePoint 2010 seront présentés publiquement pour la première fois le 6 octobre à Paris, puis dans 6 villes en France - External News

SharePoint 2010 : LINQ for SharePoint, Extensions, Visual WebPart, Business Connectivity Services, Visio Services .. c'est ici :)

Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Extensions :

Un aperçu des fonctionnalité dans le développement SharePoint 2010 avec Visual Studio 2010 :


- Possibilité d’importer des projets VSeWSS

- Possibilité d’importer des Workflows SharePoint Designer.

- Fournisseur Linq pour SharePoint

- Importer des solutions package

- Modéliser un modèle du BDC

- Template Visual Web Part pour la création des WebPart depuis Visual Studio

Elle hérite notamment de UserControl

L’explorateur de connexion SharePoint nous permet aussi d’explorer notre serveur directement depuis Visual Studio.

Voici donc la structure d’un nouveau projet VisualWebPartProject :

SharePoint 2010 : LINQ for SharePoint, Extensions, Visual WebPart, Business Connectivity Services, Visio Services .. c'est ici :) , David REI

SharePoint 2010 : L’administration centrale

Notre administration centrale :

Une interface claire, qui rappelle un peu le panneau de configuration Windows Vista ou Windows 7… c’est dorénavant aussi le portail d’administration de SharePoint 2010 :)


SharePoint 2010 : L’administration centrale , David REI

Un Webcasts (3 parties) : Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 - Espaces de travail SharePoint

Poste de travail, Bureautique, Gestion de projets

  • Patrick Guimonet -

Découverte des espaces de travail SharePoint de Microsoft SharePoint WorkSpace 2010, le sucesseur de Groove 2007.

Webcasts : Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 - Espaces de travail SharePoint

lundi 28 septembre 2009

How to install SharePoint 2010 – Quick Video

How to install SharePoint 2010 – Quick Video

If you’re wanting to see how involved (or not) the installation of SharePoint 2010 is…check out this quick video. Obviously the more complex the deployment type, the more complex the installation type.

Click to view the brief walkthrough video (and yes I did edit it so it’s shorter)

I am running the latest SharePoint 2010 Beta Technical Preview…mileage is limited as the product release progresses…

Posted: Friday, September 25, 2009

shadowbox 2010 wave for developers : How to install SharePoint 2010 – Quick Video

Co-authoring (i.e. Simultaneous Editing) in Word 2010

In Word 2010, our cutting-edge authoring pillar builds on the 21st Century Documents vision in that 21st Century Documents often have multiple authors.

The Microsoft Office Word Team's Blog : Co-authoring (i.e. Simultaneous Editing) in Word 2010

Access 2010 Custom Themes

The recent Access 2010 Theme’s post introduced you to the new Office themes inside Access. Now let’s show you some of the advanced things you can do with themes. The controls we are about to use can all be found to the left of the Design tab once you’re designing a form or report in design or layout view.


In addition to using the out-of-the-box themes, you can also create your own themes. On the Design tab, choose Fonts Create New Theme Fonts or Colors Create New Theme Colors. Here’s the dialog for creating your own theme colors.

Microsoft Access Team Blog : Access 2010 Custom Themes

The Visio 2010 Connectivity API

In this blog post, we will introduce the new Visio 2010 methods used for working with connected diagrams. Then we will see these methods in action by doing a visual walk-through of a program that manipulates a flowchart. (The source code and diagram used below are also available for download here.)

Visio Insights : The Visio 2010 Connectivity API

vendredi 25 septembre 2009

Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog : SharePoint Conference 2009 Update: We’re SELLING OUT FAST!

SharePoint Conference 2009 Update: We’re SELLING OUT FAST!

SPC Header

SharePoint Conference 2009 is selling out fast!  Register today to secure your spot before we sell out!Register Now!

If you’re in need of a little encouragement to hit the registration button then read on, we’ve got a new set of sneak peek session titles to share and an update on conference hotel availability and
Post- Conference workshops.

Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog : SharePoint Conference 2009 Update: We’re SELLING OUT FAST!

Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog

Patching a mirrored farm with minimal downtime

For administrators of large SharePoint server farms, a newly-published article describes how to update server farms that use database mirroring, while incurring minimal perceived downtime for users. This solution is for enterprise customers who have high-availability needs and infrastructure. The article describes a step-by-step process for Office SharePoint Server farms that incorporate SQL Server mirroring. You can achieve similar results on Office SharePoint Server farms that are set up in a clustered server environment.

Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog



Chandima.Net Blog for SharePoint solutions

Planning for SharePoint 2010 – Upgrade Planning Part 2 Moving the Databases [ Posted on: 25-September-2009 ]

Please read Part 1 of this post series before you continue. In this post I will highlight how to move your (32 bit) SQL Server tier to 64 bit. In the case of moving your data tier there are few prerequisites that you should consider. In this case we have the assumption that your new 64bit SQL server deployment has followed best practice guidelines for SQL server. From a SharePoint point of view you should consider the following to enable effective management of your existing content databases or any new databases you are creating. SQL Server 2008 or 2005 (64bit) are both supported when moving to SP2010. Details about preparing your database server can be found here (TechNet). This may be a good time to also plan what your SQL maintenance regime would look like for your new data tier. Start with Database maintenance guidance for Sha ...[Read More]

Chandima.Net Blog for SharePoint solutions


jeudi 24 septembre 2009

La Business Intelligence Microsoft: Sharepoint

…Gemini vient donc concurrencer sérieusement QlikView. Destiné aux utilisateurs fonctionnels, il est assez simple d'utilisation et directement intégré dans Excel.

QlikView quant à lui garde une petite avance grâce à un choix d'objets graphiques un peu plus large et une personnalisation des scripts de chargement un peu plus forte. Mais ce dernier argument ne pèse peut être pas autant pour un utilisateur non technique qui recherche avant tout la simplicité.
N'oublions pas que Gemini reste une beta de version 1 ( Nb: QlikView est en version 9). Il reste donc surement des choses à découvrir avant la sortie de la version finale prévue pour le premier semestre 2010... To be continued...

Aurelien Koppel: La Business Intelligence Microsoft: Sharepoint


Office Web Apps : Office Web Apps Coming to Windows Live

Office Web Apps Coming to Windows Live

Today is an exciting day for us! We are making available Excel, Word and PowerPoint Web Apps for a select group of Windows Live users as part of the Office Web Apps Technical Preview. While the initial functionality is modest it will expand over time. As we get closer to the release of Office 2010 we will make the Office Web Apps available to more Windows Live users.

This early peek at the Office Web Apps will include high-fidelity viewing of Word, Excel and PowerPoint files in the browser. Invitees will also be able to edit Excel and PowerPoint files. Over time we’ll add OneNote Web App and the ability to edit Word files as well. Stay tuned to this blog to hear more about the upcoming features.

03PPTWeb_Viewer_WSS Excel Web App 01WordWeb_Viewer_WSS

Office Web Apps : Office Web Apps Coming to Windows Live


SharePoint et Office pour et par les administrateurs

Premiers retours, en français, sur Gemini…

A noter deux excellents articles, en français, sur un premier retour d’expérience sur Gemini, c’est ici sur le blog d’Aurélien Koppell :

Aurelien Koppel: La Business Intelligence Microsoft _fr

Après avoir décrit certaines fonctionnalités de Gemini dans mon dernier billet, je vous propose de découvrir à quoi pourront ressembler des applications construites avec ce nouvel outil Microsoft….

La suite est ici :

Ca ressemble à ca : [CDG05.png]

SharePoint et Office pour et par les administrateurs



samedi 19 septembre 2009

Slides from my TechEd Brazil Sessions

Brian finally got around to uploading my slides from two of my presentations. The decks aren’t scripted so if you weren’t at my talk you might be missing some of the context required to understand what I was talking about, but there’s a lot of content in there which may still be useful if you’re trying to wrap your head around what’s coming in VSTS 2010.

Brian Keller: Technical Evangelist for Team System : Slides from my TechEd Brazil Sessions

vendredi 18 septembre 2009

MS Project 2010

Goodbye Portfolio Server

Okay, so you are only saying goodbye to the name and the standalone server product. 2010 brings a combined Project Server and Portfolio Server — a single server product offering called Project Server 2010.

The new Project Server 2010 will contain the functionality of both Project Server and Portfolio Server, plus a few new features. You get a consistent UI, commands and centralized administration.

MS Project 2010: Goodbye Portfolio Server, Hello SharePoint

jeudi 17 septembre 2009

Planning for SharePoint 2010 - Upgrade Planning

Planning for SharePoint 2010 - Upgrade Planning and Guidance OFC306 TechED NZ Session Notes - Chandima.Net Blog for SharePoint solutions

SharePoint 2010 Feature Hints

Hopefully most of you are going to the SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas in a few weeks. If you haven't registered you can do so here:

The site gives you an idea of what is coming with SharePoint 2010 for those of you that don't have access to the invitation only downloads!

  • SharePoint 2010 Overview and What's New
  • Upgrading to SharePoint 2010
  • SharePoint 2010 Capacity and Performance Planning
  • SharePoint 2010 Security and Identity Management: What's New.
  • Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Development
  • …..

CJG : SharePoint 2010 Feature Hints

PROJECT 2010 + un ruban !

Hier, lors de la Microsoft Project Conference 2009 qui se tient à Phoenix, Microsoft a annoncé la version beta publique de Microsoft Project 2010, version qui sera disponible fin 2009.

« Project 2010 est la plus importante évolution de Microsoft Project depuis une décennie », a déclaré Chris Capossela, vice-président de la division Business chez Microsoft. « Les fonctionnalités nouvelles, simples et intuitives de Project 2010 en font un produit idéal pour les équipes et les organisations de toutes tailles. Ses puissants outils de collaboration et de rapports facilitent le déroulement des projets. »

Project 2010 sort sur le marché au moment où l’industrie redémarre. Selon une étude IDC, le marché de la gestion de projets et de portefeuilles est amené à se développer car les entreprises auront besoin d’outils de ce type pour analyser les performances de leurs projets actuels et futurs. (Source: IDC : Worldwide Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) Applications 2009-2013 Forecast: PPM Remains a Profitability Engine in Recession, Doc 209381, août 2009).

Microsoft diffusera trois éditions de Project : Microsoft Project Standard 2010, Microsoft Project Professional 2010, et une combinaison de Microsoft Office Project Portfolio Server avec Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 pour former Microsoft Project Server 2010, produit qui inclura plusieurs améliorations à destination des administrateurs systèmes et des utilisateurs.

Parmi les nouveautés :

Gestion de projet unifiée des projets et des portefeuilles avec notamment une interface utilisateur standardisée tout au long du déroulement des projets

Une efficacité renforcée et une collaboration efficace avec SharePoint Server 2010 et l’intégration avec Microsoft Outlook

Une expérience utilisateur améliorée via

­ l’interface utilisateur familière des produits Office (le ruban)

­ des prévisions régies par l’utilisateur pour davantage de flexibilité lors de la création de plans de projets simples ou détaillés

­ l’ajout d’un nouvel affichage Chronologie pour une vue séquentielle des prévisions d’un projet

­ l’enrichissement des fonctionnalités de gestion accessibles en mode web

Et d’un point de vue technique :

­ une meilleure interopérabilité avec des systèmes d’autres éditeurs par la mise à jour de l’interface Project Server

­  une compatibilité 64 bits pour améliorer les performances

­  le retrait de la dépendance ActiveX pour améliorer la sécurité et simplifier le déploiement dans l’entreprise.

Découvre dès à présent les nouveautés de Microsoft Project 2010 standard ou Professionnel :


Le ruban va avoir sa place aussi sur PROJECT 2010!


The Office 2010 Synchronization Center

Well, for Office 2010, Microsoft has essentially brought that concept to uploading as well. They have created a new applet called the "Office Synchronization Center". When you tell Word (for example) to save a file, rather than sending it directly to the SharePoint site, it hands it off to the Synchronization Center, which does the uploading, including such niceties as retrying if for some reason the upload fails the first time. It also allows you to continue working once you have started the save process – sort of like a "background save" on steroids.

The Office 2010 Synchronization Center End User SharePoint

mercredi 16 septembre 2009

Microsoft Project 2010 – Hello World!

We officially disclosed the next version of the EPM solution at the Project Conference 2009 in Phoenix this morning: Microsoft Project 2010

Christophe Fiessinger's Blog : Microsoft Project 2010 – Hello World!

Des livres sur SharePoint 2010 en 2010


Product Details

Professional SharePoint 2010 Development by Tom Rizzo (Paperback - April 6 2010)

Sign up to be notified when this item becomes available.


Product Details

Office and SharePoint 2010 User’s Guide: Integrating SharePoint with Excel, Outlook, Access and Word by Michael Antonovich (Paperback - Mar 15 2010)

Buy new: CDN$ 53.95 CDN$ 33.99

Available for Pre-order

Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping.


Product Details

SharePoint 2010 as a Development Platform by Joerg Krause, Martin Döring, Julius Eder, and Simone KÌhne (Paperback - Feb 1 2010)

Buy new: CDN$ 65.95 CDN$ 41.55

Available for Pre-order

Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping.


Product Details

SharePoint 2010 User’s Guide: Learning Microsoft’s Collaboration and Productivity Platform by Seth Bates and Tony Smith (Paperback - Mar 15 2010)

Buy new: CDN$ 47.95 CDN$ 30.21

Available for Pre-order

Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping.


Product Details

Pro SharePoint 2010 Development Techniques by Margriet Bruggeman and Nikander Bruggeman (Paperback - Mar 15 2010)

Buy new: CDN$ 65.95 CDN$ 41.55

Available for Pre-order

Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping.


Product Details

Building the SharePoint 2010 User Experience by Bjørn Furuknap (Paperback - Mar 15 2010)

Buy new: CDN$ 53.95 CDN$ 33.99

Available for Pre-order

Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping.


Product Details

Pro SharePoint 2010 Solution Development: Combining .NET, SharePoint, and Office by Ed Hild (Paperback - Mar 15 2010)

Buy new: CDN$ 53.95 CDN$ 33.99

Available for Pre-order

Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping. sharepoint 2010: Books



Download details: IIS Database Manager RC (x64)

IIS Database Manager allows you to easily manage your local and remote databases from within IIS Manager. IIS Database Manager automatically discovers databases based on the Web server or application configuration and also provides the ability to connect to any database on the network. Once connected, IIS Database Manager provides a full array of management options including managing tables, views, stored procedures and data, as well as running ad hoc queries.
IIS Database Manager provides native support for SQL Server and is also fully extensible for developers to add support for other database systems. In addition, because IIS Database Manager is an extension of IIS Manager, administrators can securely delegate the management of databases to authorized local or remote users, without having to open additional management ports on the server. pfx8eygj3i

Download details: IIS Database Manager RC (x64)

Office 2010 : de grands bonds en avant en perspective


Access 2010 : de grands bonds en avant en perspective !
Par Maxence Hubiche

Office 2010 : de grands bonds en avant en perspective - Forum des professionnels en informatique



Plaxo – Groupes SharePoint 2010



Les informations sur Sharepoint 2010 par EROL MVP MOSS - President du CLUB SharePoint FRANCE - réunion après la levé de la NDA de MICROSOFT en NOV. 2009

Adresse Web :



mardi 15 septembre 2009

Webcasts : Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 - Espaces de travail classiques

Découverte les espaces de travail classiques de Microsoft SharePoint WorkSpace 2010, le sucesseur de Groove 2007.

Par Patrick GUIMONET

Webcasts : Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 - Espaces de travail classiques

SharePoint First Contact With SharePoint 2010


A priori, une liste de pré-requis assez importante avant l’installation!

    • Rôle IIS

    • Framework ‘Geneva’ (Détails ci-dessous tiré du site Connect Microsoft)

      • The “Geneva” Framework is a framework for building identity-aware applications.  The framework abstracts the WS-Trust and WS-Federation protocols and presents to developers APIs for building security token services and identity providers. Applications can externalize the authentication logic to security token services and focus on application specific logics that are based on claims available in the security tokens. Applications can use the framework to process tokens issued from security token services and make identity-based decisions at the web application or web service.

    • Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime 1.0

    • Chart Controls pour le framework 3.5

    • Microsoft Filter PAck 14 (IFilter) MS-Filter Pack

    • Client SQL Serveur 2008

    • Les API OCS 2007 R2 et Unified Communications Speech 2.0

    • Speech Server Language Pack V6.0

  • Une partie du File System de MOSS 2010

Voir le : Blog de Augusto Simoes | [SharePoint] First Contact With SharePoint 2010 (CodeName FourTeen)



Du nouveau avec Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010


Récemment Microsoft a dévoilé au grand jour les nouvelles fonctionnalités de Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010.
Rappelons tout d'abord que Office SharePoint est un serveur collaboratif pour les entreprises qui leur permettra de centraliser les ressources, gérer les librairies de documents, automatiser un certain nombre de procédés, mettre en relation les différents acteurs de l'entreprise...
Cette technologie se base sur Microsoft SQL Server et IIS (le serveur web de Microsoft) et est entièrement codée en .net (ce qui permettait au développeurs de coder des couches supplémentaires affin d'orienter l'application vers d'autres besoins), le tout intéragissant pleinement avec la suite Office.
Après être passée par plusieurs versions:
- 2003 qui aura marqué le coup d'essai de la technologie et vu les premiers déploiements opérationnels.
- 2007 qui aura su révolutionner le travail collaboratif et aura été déployé massivement en entreprise
2010 marque le pas et affirme la position de leader de Microsoft dans le domaine du travail collaboratif.

Du nouveau avec Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010



SharePoint 2010 : L’administration centrale

SharePoint 2010 : L’administration centrale

Un premier retour en live depuis la vidéo suivante :

Notre administration centrale :

Une interface claire, qui rappelle un peu le panneau de configuration Windows Vista ou Windows 7… c’est dorénavant aussi le portail d’administration de SharePoint 2010 :)

SharePoint 2010 : L’administration centrale , David REI



dimanche 13 septembre 2009



Office and SharePoint

The Office and SharePoint track provides IT professionals and developers with first-hand technical expertise about the upcoming 2010 release of Microsoft® Office and Microsoft® SharePoint®. Get in-depth knowledge from leading industry experts on technologies such as Office SharePoint Server 2010 incorporating Visio® 2010 services, the next generation of Excel® 2010 services, SharePoint Online, Windows SharePoint Services, and PerformancePoint® Services.                   
As an IT professional, learn what you can do now to be prepared for the next release of Office and SharePoint. Additionally, common scenarios such as capacity planning and patch management for Office and SharePoint 2007 are addressed by industry leading experts.
As a developer, gain the skills to architect and build rich business applications on the Microsoft and SharePoint 2010 developer platform with the latest technologies like Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 and Microsoft® Silverlight™ 3.0.




SharePoint Memory Dump : SharePoint 2010 Ignite Training for Partners

If you are interested in kick starting and be ahead of the curve then do attend the Ignite training happening in Banglore, India in Dec 2009. Its a deep dive into the new version of the product and some of the best instructors will be presenting. There are two tracks, one for IT Pros and others for developers. Go ahead and register!

More details at this entry by Arpan Shah.

Published Sunday, September 13, 2009 9:07 AM by Tajeshwar

SharePoint Memory Dump : SharePoint 2010 Ignite Training for Partners

samedi 12 septembre 2009

Make SharePoint 2007 Act Like SharePoint 2010 (sort of ...)

One of the features that caught my eye was the inline editing of list items or documents: without reloading the page, or opening a new page, it's possible in SharePoint 2010 to edit meta data. Pretty cool! And I want to have it in my SharePoint sites, today.

Make SharePoint 2007 Act Like SharePoint 2010 (sort of ...) - Jan Tielens' Bloggings

SharePoint 2010 Ignite Program

SharePoint 2010 Partner Training is Here!

SharePoint 2010 "Ignite" is a 5-day Instructor-led training program for SharePoint 2007 SI partners. This is an invitation-only event and is free of charge* for attendees. We are now accepting nominations!

Ignite training will cover two tracks:

SharePoint 2010 Ignite for Developers: For developers, SharePoint 2010 provides the business collaboration platform to rapidly build solutions and respond to business needs. SharePoint 2010 Ignite is a deep technical training for SharePoint 2007 professionals who are looking to upgrade their skills to SharePoint 2010. The training will show partners how to build custom applications with SharePoint 2010.

SharePoint 2010 Ignite for Implementers: For IT professionals, SharePoint 2010 offers enhancements to drive productivity, a scalable unified infrastructure, and flexible deployment. SharePoint 2010 Ignite is deep technical training for SharePoint 2007 professionals who are looking to upgrade their skills to SharePoint 2010.

SharePoint 2010 Ignite Program

jeudi 10 septembre 2009

SharePoint Migration Solutions

As Metalogix invests in the next version of SharePoint, we look forward to new releases of our award-winning solutions for migrating, archiving and restoring content for SharePoint 2010.

We will extend SharePoint Site Migration Manager to support migration from WSSv2/WSS/v3 SPS 2003, MOSS 2007 to WSSv4 and SharePoint 2010. Site Migration Manager will simplify SharePoint’s many common--but challenging--upgrade and migration scenarios, enabling our customers to successfully adopt SharePoint 2010.

Metalogix - SharePoint Migration Solutions

SharePoint 2007 : Migration et Prescan , Philippe Sentenac [MVP SharePoint]

L'un sans l'autre, ce serait comme Minus sans Cortex (pour les plus jeunes) ou Laurel sans Hardi.

Plus sérieusement, les posts conjugés de Renaud et Erol m'ont donné l'idée de parler un peu plus de cet outil indispensable qu'est Prescan.

Cet outil de pré-upgrade scanne vos sites et signale les problèmes comme des bases de données orphelines (Database Orphans) ou des définitions de sites manquantes, vous permettant de les réparer avant d'effectuer une migration.

SharePoint 2007 : Migration et Prescan , Philippe Sentenac [MVP SharePoint]

SharePoint et Office pour et par les administrateurs : Office 2010 for IT Pros…

Au programme :

  • [1:23] What are some of the business justifications to upgrade to Office 2010?
  • [3:30] - Why would you buy Office considering we now have Office online offered for free?
  • [4:41] - What are some of the new features for IT Pros?
  • [8:04] - What is the migration story from Office 2003?
  • [9:09] - Demos of Office 2010
    • Microsoft Office backstage view
    • Accessibility Checker
    • Improved share/integration options with OCS, Sharepoint
    • Outlook: cleanup/ignore threads, multiple exchange accounts, management view
  • [14:32] - How does anywhere access differ from Office 2007?

SharePoint et Office pour et par les administrateurs : Office 2010 for IT Pros…



Video: Michael On The Go - Prepping For SharePoint 2010 - SocialMedia Talk

Mentioned in video:

Video: Michael On The Go - Prepping For SharePoint 2010 - SocialMedia Talk

CLUB MOSS - FRANCE: Réunion du CLUB MOSS du 14/09/09 plan PPT

CLUB MOSS - FRANCE: Réunion du CLUB MOSS du 14/09/09 plan PPT

Shared via AddThis

Getting to Know Hyper-V: A Walkthrough from Initial Setup to Common Scenarios


This guide provides detailed step-by-step walkthroughs for testing Hyper-V on a pre-production environment. You can use this guide to become familiar with Hyper-V and the process of creating and managing virtual machines. Also included in this guide are useful scenarios that you can test to better understand how Hyper-V can address the business goals of your organization.

Download details: Getting to Know Hyper-V: A Walkthrough from Initial Setup to Common Scenarios




mercredi 9 septembre 2009

2009-09-09 This Week in SharePoint with Joel Oleson | End User SharePoint


Joel Oleson and I got a chance to catch up today. We’re back on track to continue with our weekly series of broadcasts. We hadn’t spoken for a while, so there is a wide diversity of subjects covered. We did run 5 minutes over our usual 15 minute limit, but I think it was well worth it.

There are the time markers and the content titles for those in a hurry. We appreciate your comments and input.

Mark and Joel

  • 00:13 – Introduction
  • 01:45 – SharePoint 2010
  • 03:20 – The Virtual Conference
  • 05:05 – SharePoint Saturday NYC
  • 05:45 – Monetize Steaming Media
  • 07:35 – New York Times Article on SharePoint
  • 10:03 – Communicating with Microsoft
  • 11:41 – The Future of SharePoint
  • 12:52 – End User Buy-In
  • 14:06 – SharePoint Personality: Michael Gannotti
  • 17:24 – SharePoint Personality: Laura Rogers
  • 19:52 – Conclusion

2009-09-09 This Week in SharePoint with Joel Oleson | End User SharePoint

mardi 8 septembre 2009

Communauté Groove francophone : Information Inter-Club : Prochaine réunion du Club MOSS France le 14 septembre à Paris chez MICROSOFT au Campus - EOS.


La prochaine réunion du Club MOSS (SharePoint) France se tiendra le 14 septembre prochain dans les nouveaux locaux de Microsoft. Outre SharePoint, cette réunion sera l’occasion de commencer à parler de la sortie d’Office 2010. On y parlera donc également un peu de SharePoint Workspace 2010 :-)

Des informations complémentaires sur l’événement sont disponibles sur FaceBook.

Voir aussi sur nos réseaux sociaux :



ME :

Réseaux sociaux :

Communauté Groove francophone » Blog Archive » Information Inter-Club : Prochaine réunion du Club MOSS France



lundi 7 septembre 2009

Session Sneak Peek SharePoint Conference 2009


Here’s a little session sneak peek to give you taste of what’s coming…

  • SharePoint 2010 Overview and What's New
  • Upgrading to SharePoint 2010
  • SharePoint 2010 Capacity and Performance Planning
  • SharePoint 2010 Security and Identity Management: What's New.
  • Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Development
  • SharePoint 2010 Ribbon, ECMAScript and Dialog Framework Development
  • Developing with REST and LINQ in SharePoint 2010
  • Upgrading SharePoint Server 2007 Code to SharePoint 2010
  • Building SharePoint Composite Applications with the Microsoft Application Platform
  • What’s New in Business Connectivity Services (The Business Data Catalog Evolves!)
  • FAST Search for SharePoint – Capabilities Deep-Dive
  • Advanced Dashboard Creation with PerformancePoint Services for SharePoint 2010
  • Overview of Visio 2010 and Visio Services for SharePoint 2010
  • SharePoint 2010 Web Content Management Deep-Dive
  • If You Build It, They Will Come: Driving End User Adoption

Session Sneak Peek




dimanche 6 septembre 2009

Scoop de la Nouvelle Orléans et les nouvelles sur SharePoint 2010 @ InterDoc


J’étais très enthousiasmé par les annonces et nouveautés des applications Microsoft 2010 relatives à mon domaine, car les applications Office 2010, SharePoint 2010, Communicator 2010, Visio, Project, SharePoint Workspace 2010 sont en osmose.

Voici les éléments clés de chaque composante :

  1. SharePoint 2010

A lire !

Scoop de la Nouvelle Orléans et les nouvelles sur SharePoint 2010 @ InterDoc

Voir aussi :

SPC2009 :




Mots clés Technorati : ,,,

Microsoft Office 2010 Introductory: A Professional Approach: Deborah Hinkle: Books

The first annonce of publication (BOOKs on OFFICE and SharePoint 2010)

Microsoft Office 2010 Introductory: A Professional Approach (Paperback)

de Deborah Hinkle (Author)

Microsoft Office 2010 Introductory: A Professional Approach: Deborah Hinkle: Books




Office and SharePoint 2010 User’s Guide: Integrating SharePoint with Excel, Outlook, Access and Word: Michael Antonovich: Books

Office and SharePoint 2010 User’s Guide: Integrating SharePoint with Excel, Outlook, Access and Word (Paperback)

de Michael Antonovich (Author)

Office and SharePoint 2010 User’s Guide: Integrating SharePoint with Excel, Outlook, Access and Word: Michael Antonovich: Books

Professional SharePoint 2010 Development: Tom Rizzo: Books


Professional SharePoint 2010 Development (Paperback)

de Tom Rizzo (Author)

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Professional SharePoint 2010 Development: Tom Rizzo: Books

SharePoint 2010 as a Development Platform: Joerg Krause, Martin Döring, Julius Eder, Simone KÌhne, Christian Langhirt, Kay Lerch, Bernd Pehlke: Books


SharePoint 2010 as a Development Platform (Paperback)

de Joerg Krause (Author), Martin Döring (Author), Julius Eder (Author), Simone KÌhne (Author), Christian Langhirt (Author), Kay Lerch (Author), Bernd Pehlke (Author)

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SharePoint 2010 as a Development Platform: Joerg Krause, Martin Döring, Julius Eder, Simone KÌhne, Christian Langhirt, Kay Lerch, Bernd Pehlke: Books

samedi 5 septembre 2009

What is the future of SharePoint?


There is a lot of excitement going around as we head towards SharePoint Conference 2009 in Las Vegas. It’s at this event that the public will get a chance to see what the next version of SharePoint will look like. That’s all well and good, but really, where is SharePoint headed, what’s the future vision for this platform?

What is the future of SharePoint? | End User SharePoint




vendredi 4 septembre 2009

Microsoft Excel : Performance Improvements in Excel 2010

In this release of Excel we spent dedicated research and development resources on improving performance. In addition to the usual optimizations and tuning efforts we make post “code complete”, we spent time during the development milestones researching, designing, and implementing performance features beyond algorithmic tuning. For this release, these are the areas where we focused our performance improvement efforts:

Microsoft Excel : Performance Improvements in Excel 2010


Download details: Geneva Interop Whitepapers

"Geneva" and Sun OpenSSO
Interoperability between applications in heterogeneous technology environments is essential to successful collaboration between organizations today. Sun and Microsoft are taking interoperability to a new level by utilizing the SAML federation standard in both the Sun OpenSSO Enterprise federation solution and the forthcoming Microsoft “Geneva” Server federation solution.
By standardizing on SAML for federation, Sun and Microsoft enable organizations to deliver collaborative services with ease.
"Geneva" and Novell Access Manager
Despite remarkable gains in IT capabilities and collaboration, organizations continue to struggle with administrative complexity, workforce productivity, and data security. Many organizations support a large number of users—including employees, customers, partners, and suppliers—who seek access to a wide variety of applications and services. This can be particularly challenging in mixed-technology and multiple-domain environments where users are spread across technical and business boundaries.
Microsoft and Novell have come together to solve these challenges and boost cross-organizational collaboration. The two companies are building the interoperability bridges that enable customers to reduce complexity, enhance security, and decrease costs. This paper explains the need for standards-based identity federation, and the current and forthcoming solutions that improve the interoperability of mixed-technology directory environments.
Microsoft and CA
Access management solutions that introduce a middleware “layer of security abstraction” into the communication between applications, user repositories and authentication technologies enable organizations to improve administrative efficiency, better secure data and applications, and improve outreach to business partners and customers. This white paper reviews how solutions from CA (CA SiteMinder, CA Federation Manager) and Microsoft (Active Directory Federation Services (formerly code named “Geneva”)) provide this middleware software layer, while supporting standards-based communication protocols that enable cross-technology access management and identity federation scenarios. Specific interoperability-oriented use cases are discussed in detail.

Download details: Geneva Interop Whitepapers



jeudi 3 septembre 2009


Réunion du Club MOSS du 14 septembre chez MICROSOFT


View more presentations from Pierre Erol Giraudy.


Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
View Pierre Erol GIRAUDY's profile on LinkedIn


Mots clés Technorati : ,,,,


mardi 1 septembre 2009

SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint 2007: What's Your Focus?


SharePoint 2010 (news, site) is getting a lot of attention, especially since the sneak peeks came out from Microsoft. And it will get even more attention the closer it gets to the SharePoint Conference in mid October.

What are they key themes with SharePoint 2010 that consultants and customers alike are seeing with the new version of SharePoint and what migration plans are being considered?

SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint 2007: What's Your Focus?